Career means what you will eat. where do you stay? how do you raise your family? and last to do all this how you will earn? this is the important question you have ask before you complete your 10th Grade otherwise your life will be directionless since you will follow and listen somebody who has zero knowledge about Money and the definition of leading a Successful life could be different to them like to get a Job which has no Risk, get married, get car and get a decent flat or build a small house, so they will give you their Vision pro Glass which they want you see what they have done so that you may carry the same vision like them in future, no matter they are very close to you and in respectable position like Parents, Relatives, School Teacher, Friend or Friend’s father or any Stranger etc., follow them blindly could be dangerous and one small move i.e. direction could ends your life in Poverty, Dependency or to live a live in underprivilege conditions where in every areas of your life will be lack of Resources i.e. Rizk and no matter how much you pray to Allah unless and until you cut off the trap from the Environment and make Hijrah i.e. migrated to a place where there is potential income opportunities , this could resume the journey of your life in main stream but again once you have good earning you need to constant calibrate your Vision or direction of life otherwise you may had to return back where you have started i.e. Poverty and helplessness conditions

Key Elements of Career Counselling

Duty as a Parents : As a parents you must try to lead your life to follow only Rasool SAW(PBUH) i.e. to listen his SAW(PBUH) and let implement in your life, so you must put No.1 Priority in raising your Child with Adequate Education while choosing a School is very very important for Early year Educations and make strong the Foundation or Fundamental and i said it should be until Grade 10, consider give them worldly education along with Salah i.e. timely Prayer and good manners, let them understand any concept and then write by their own how they perceive the situation and what is the focus and ideology about their Life and for a son and daughter a father is the hero we all said that , yes it’s true to a father has to be a strong in personality and a fighter who opt for problem solving in every situation, no matter he lives in poverty or forced to live in under privileges area but the motivation should not lost, nor the hope, so ultimately a strong mindset, look at the world with more Financial, Political, Logical, Medical, Scientifically mindset is the key for real success in future where the financial comes at No.1 Priority, so one must know how to earn, save and increase the wealth in at least double and in every transaction there should be mindset of profit and loss, where many people object that don’t give money to the hand of a child, which i disagree, that this is old mentality, we should give them a small cash to let them buy to purchase something and slowly teach them how to care about money and how to save it, what is money, how to earn, what we need to earn it, what is profit and loss and how to utilize it, so from the childhood we have to inject this Money habits into their blood, by doing all this we must have a single vision that they must be able to stand on their feet, where they can able to protect them from any loss, cheat and they can wisely utilize money for profitable investment, so give them Fundamental education, nourish them, focus on what is their key area of interest, start the career direction after grade 10 and let them complete the study in the same areas while in the process they must have an additional education of Business or Financial Management, inspire them and don’t forget to save the emergency fund and resources for their future studies, teach them to care poor and needy people, encourage them for Sadaqah i.e. donation, Zakat and not live a lavish life style but a medium way where they should not expense in extreme nor they become a selfish person who never expenses for oneself and for others

Maintain a Marital Bliss: often conflict or fight in marriage breaks the child apart , make them emotionally volatile as they love both of the parents and they are not one to decide who to stay with or favor over any one , but they love their parents equally so don’t create such scene or chaos that you let them decide and force your child to stay with whom, so all it needs as a parent to become more patient, sacrificing for small small things, little adjustive, to always talk and discuss about any issues in between them but not in front of the children, when you show them that you love each other this creates more Confidence and Safety Security about their life then hope created which will definitely build the layer of foundation of their future and remember all of their future struggle and difficulties in life they can overcome if their childhood is strong and protected with love and care and support but they lack from their childhood, in later they will have possibilities to break down in small small problem and they will be mentally fragile and then they can’t take their decision by their own, which caused more distress, dependency in their which also affect their marital bliss, their children, education and income for their future so think of that to complete a good cycle of generation required 200 years which consist you, your son & daughter and his son & daughter, so think if you work hard today what result you will create for next 200 years

Protect your Children from Dirty Friends : Childhood friends are essential for future growth and direction of your child since its only good habits or bad habits that always carry forward with your child no matter where they go and how they live, so it’s really important to filter those friends and their family to keep your children away from them, often the habits of masturbation, alcohol, pornography, smoking, drugs addiction, illegal relationship came from the dirty friends, as they constant advice and manipulate your children to taste one time then leave it, and your child will definitely protest by not allowing it slowly slowly they can’t avoid the temptation, as a result they are forced to try at once to remain member in that group and then they will be automatically dragged into it, and doing it daily basis while you are unaware of many things, and this will definitely effect their merits or academic score and often mental disturbance, so you must prevent that from now, chose your environment carefully and the chose also the school, i would also advised by not to adopt any idea to send your children in boarding school, all they need your love, friendship, guidance and direction and your constant focus and monitoring, so if you send your children to boarding school their life will be destroyed slowly and you will notice about their future struggle, emotional distress and difficulties and withdrawal from social, no matter where you live and which school , college or university you chose for your kids , stay near by it and adjust to their education and wellbeing , don’t leave them alone since Allah SWT gave you this child , as they are very special to you, so all it need your patience, commitment, love and Leadership to raise them to become successful inshaAllah

Remove an Conflicts in your Career to steer up your Direction in Life: Often more than two career options destroy the mental capabilities since it creates Self Conflicts, confusion and more stress and panic situation that you can’t decide your career for long time, or those options of your career become your distraction from real success, as it will make your life Miserables since you tend to apply the option one by one , so not only you and your mental health suffers but your family members also suffered and as a results it waste your money, time and energy and you may lost valuable contacts, suitable work environment or places for living etc. due to you are often confuse your brain can’t decide what is appropriate and what’s not, so through this turmoil it may affect your performance issues, lack of strategic decision making, unable to concentrate, irritability, mood swing etc. so once you lost one option then you had no choice to try it out another option and it tend to become another failure and then again another failure , so it not only break you down but also destroy your Self Confidence, Dependency on others, lack of moral, negative outlook, poverty, you tend to adjustive living in poor conditions of life, your families suffers, so to avoid this, all you have to do , do what you like and care the most, since no matter how much the struggles and difficulties tried to crush you down but you never tend to leave the thing which you love the most and it’s your hobby, core competency, relative experience, skills and hard work that the hardship taught you which means , only Allah was testing you and you need to prove whom you love most, is it your family or material?, property?, wealth? or the love of Rasool-Allah SAW(PBUH) i.e. Sunnah i.e. DEEN, so no matter you have struggles and difficulties never leave your DEEN and follow the life of Rasool SAW(PBUH) and maintain a good relation with your blood relatives, neighbors etc., you can expect their help in your crisis and they will help until you come back to the main stream of life, even you are in good conditions that Allah has made provision of Rizk of others, then you may never cut the relation with your blood relatives or anybody expect your help in crisis, always mediate the conflict and forgive each other, this is what I am not saying? this is said by Rasool SAW(PBUH)

Chose your first Job or Business Carefully: This is very important for your career development as the first Job or career tend to develop your fundamental skills , knowledge and core competency, so chose it carefully since the “Area or Subject” is essential for your future growth and it should be linked with your latest Qualification or Graduation since even you missed the foundation career guide i.e. to chose your career direction after 10th grade, but then still you have chance to come back to main path i.e. direction for an example if you have done any Qualification in IT or Computer Science in your graduation, then select the career only in IT field, and if you are good in programming then select the career ,that that has enough opportunities or scope to get additional training on programming, then practical projects, client handling experience, meeting with clients etc. the you can opt for investment on your self learning i.e. Training and certification in your Core Field, and once you acquired it , it will not only give you boost in your career goals and objectives but also it will open door to work in MNC’s companies , where you can learn and receive endless experience and it will build your foundation for Success, i always recommend you to continue your first career at least for 4 to 5 years, adjust with the Salary, stick to them, learn and give value to the organization and to market, on the other case if you are occupied to join in any job for only money problem as your family condition is not ideal for waiting for 4 to 5 years, then you must have that mindset from the beginning that give your best at that company, spend some money on family and spend rest on your Training and Certification and looking for more opportunities in your core field , once you get it with the match of your current Salary or Package then don’t hesitate to jump since now your career is ready to start from fresher, or you are doing a Business from the beginning or during Job then must have enough security fund for your future expenses and liabilities for next 3 to 4 years, and do it in the same field which you have core skills, education, qualification and work experience, and build your CV as also as a Worker not director or CEO, keep your option open to Job market, once you are able to succeed then you got the ladder so keep it and protect your business from Conflicts

Chose your Life Partner wisely: As a parents we must hold the utmost responsibility that to find a suitable family for our son and daughter those who gives always priority to Sunnah, when a believer follow in this path steady fast then patience is the Fundamental for family upbringing and to live a life in Medium way of life far away from Fitnah and Kufr is the ideal for Selection for your children’s life partner, remember that culturally compatible is very very essential for adjustment in future, so not only the couple has to adjustive and compatible to each other’s culture but both side parents has to be it, Nabi SAW(PBUH) said “an example of good wife is who safe guard her chastity when her husband away for work and she keeps looks after his family until he returns” i am not supporting the model that a husband stay away from his wife for long and left his family at the end of his wife, since it’s very fragile and risky not only the women needs emotional support she needs psychical support as well, and she can’t be able to manage her family long if you mean to misinterpret this hadith and stay away from your wife for more than 6 months and many cases i have seen my Bangladeshi brothers stayed in middle east country for more than 6 to 7 years, all he did to make a video call and talk and give instructions to his wife and family, then how come he expect that everything is Ok?, we must understand that a family runs by both men and women, while their happy marriage life is the key to success in their life and their future generations, if incase there is low chance of income opportunities then we may sometime to go abroad for bigger income opportunity , but we failed to create Assets out it, and all we did spent the money lavishly on building a luxury house, brought an expensive car, and maintaining a life style of a super rich people , destroying his savings but very soon they had to come back for any reason that they feel helplessness, poverty and dependency, so take your decision wisely, always get help from your blood relatives, friends etc. those who can help you to give a source of income in your place, no matter you earn less compare to abroad but then your expenses and liabilities also would be very less, as a parents if in case any conflict arise between tow families then always give favor to your children, make them provision to keep them always from fitnah or environmental adjustment issues don’t hold them back, don’t create panic and stressful situation, since they have no knowledge of such things and when you forced them too much it’s only their Job or career suffers and at then end of the day we are responsible for their life’s misery as you have given more knowledge, Hiqma and leadership to hold strong your family and guide them to Right Path, so your children’s and their children will become also your liabilities, as parents you sins may not be forgivable by Allah as you are the reason that the innocents children and their offspring’s suffered, correct your mistakes today and try to help them to bounce back to their life, when a wife is ideal and her husband is happy and satisfy for her then through the patience during hardship she will become a Leader to rescue her entire family from the hardship, so chose wisely the Women for marry, clever, good manners, patience, education, vision , positivity is really important for the wellbeing of a family, otherwise if she has lack of those qualities , she is enough to pull your back , until she realized her mistakes and help her husband and families

Never leave your Path i.e. Career: Once you are confirmed about your career direction, no matter what struggles are waiting for you , never leave your Career, you must constantly strive hard for betterment, upgrade your knowledge, skills and market experience, and develop a core skills which in Single Area, which will be enough for your success in the future inshaAllah, so take this as your fight , fight well and never leave your Career since it’s your direction of life and many people are connected to it and specially your kids and family, never give responsibility of your task to another people, since they may misuse it and destroy your wealth, property and business and reputation, I always recommend it to avoid any partnership work model, and keep all the financial or business secret from your friends and families and only share and treat them what is good for you and good for them

Avoid any Conflict or Dispute at your work Place, Office or Business otherwise it will deviate you from your Success : Often life’s turn into misery while we were living a happy, peaceful and comfortable living but due to protestive nature we feel always to fight back for our rights and actively participate an office or work politics and often offend the authority or boss, which results a Conflict with them, and due to human nature revenge came to the picture and they never hesitate twice to cut you off from your main source of sustenance, so i warn you by to avoid all these at any cost, always clear the misunderstanding while you take use support of middle man who is wise and non partial in any matter, learn to control your anger, lets forgive each other, since the other people never realized how much trouble or misery is waiting for your and your family once you will be unjustly thrown out from the Business or Job, and if you are also thinking for the same to do it for others then never do it, no matter what is religion of the people because Islam teaches forgiveness and gentle with others and restraint your tongue and hand from harming others