When a person thinks he or she is doing always right and this action makes him blind while blocking his /her heart from seeing the truth since he wanted to make sure that the people around you compliment her /him, or in order to decide they will be part of your team or not, so most of the time you fire the one who always speaks the truth polite way and stupid people tend to fear you as they fear about their Job or monthly Salary so then you may never get Truth or Reality or honest feedback about yourself or your company rather very soon you are going to fail as all your plan seems faulty and converted with butter in outside, so then even you fail, at the end of the day, you will find a goat whom you will slaughter i.e. fire and put all your blame on them.
Often Self Ego, Self Pride, and Self-ideology is dangerous and people tend to deny and accept the Truth which might save him/her in the future as you can’t see the Truth, you will always try and error, so not only it will waste the Time of your employees but also demotivate them, so at the end of the day the company’s corporate culture might be destroyed and the Performance level will be dropped by your employees, what you usually do to call an emergency meeting, shouts in loud, verbal abuse your people, scold them, mentally tortured them and when they become exhausted you leave them to die by let them fix the problem by them, which is your Job and you are the only one who is responsible for this, but you would never realize it and once you realized it, you may end up with failure and closing your company or your Board may replace you with alternative Leadership, but its always Company and employees or stakeholders suffers
When Prophet SAW(PBUH) always encourages with to become Strong and ideal for Leadership in any position or work, then a Leader has to become like Rasool SAW(PBUH), not only you must have good manners, but you must include Allah in every decision and Problem Solving
Let us know the Fundamental Element of Gap Analysis which may essential to repairing your leakage
1. Leadership: As a Boos look out for your Attitude and manners since the Fundamental of Leadership is your “RESPONSIBILITIES” which comes as to care about your “EMPLOYEES” first, doing their Rights on time, giving them benefits, never eating their Amanah(custody), don’t abuse them, be gentle with them, create a flexible and eco-friendly work environment so don’t create a Fear or panic atmosphere inside your company, otherwise people will never say in your mouth, but they will speak in your back and it will destroy your reputation as well as your company’s reputation and which will hit the market if the the “EMPLOYEES” work is Stressful environment then they may never able to give you benefits nor they can able to help you in your Day to Day Problem Solving
2. Your Business is your Ibada or act of Worship so do it correctly: Allah promotes Business so do it to please Allah, i.e. make it halal way i.e. by rules to meet the obligation as per rules and policies of the Market Authority, never cheat your employees or customers
3. Avoid Work from Home: This is the Fundamental Problem of how a Business always fails when a leader or boss or Key Employees start work from home, since the home is ideal for family and related tasks and activities and a mindset for sleep and rest, often people working from home usually developed “Home Sickness” and then they can’t concentrate on their Job, Task, Meetings, Calls and day to day Task Management, people got carried away by daydreaming or thinking about to care and concern about their family and wellbeing and it’s actually slowly shifted their focus and concentration to Home rather than work or Business
4. Wake up at Fazr Salah and then write down your Urgent Task for the Day only: Never miss your Fazr Prayer since this is the significant Time when Allah offered His help to allow us to repent from our mistakes and sins in the past and during the previous day and also this is Time when our Brain is refreshed and can focus on anything with full CONCENTRATION so also surrounding places are noise-free, so after your Prayer make you plan for the day and don’t forget to Praise your Lord
5. Never do Business on Partnership Model: Often Business gets destroyed in between tassel or conflict between Partners, as we are human beings and often our moods, feelings, and sentiments matter in a time of decision making or difficulties or even the problem never arises when the Company at Startup stage, the problem often stated once the grown to give fruits, and it’s Money and the greed are the main caused how it destroyed the relation between two Business Partner, The Business is like your child which only can be grown a Person gives his /her full potential, love, care, time and 100% hard work and effort to grow it, but often the blessings destroyed it’s only due to difference in opinion, self-ego, pride and jealousy its all due to Money which changed the heart of the good person, so avoid Partnership model, rather hire somebody or manage investment but then you must your full control and decision making on your name
6. Never disclose your Plan or Secret about your Business: KFC, McDonald still exist it’s only due to their Policy so never disclose your future plans and direction to anybody whether is she/he is close in relation, since they knowingly or unknowingly disclose your plan with a person while in sentiments or joy or talking and gossip habit, that person if he or she has evil intend may harm your plan or block it, which may effects your Business Progress
7. Never do Business which you don’t have knowledge: Don’t start anything just you have money so that you can do any Business, it’s wrong often relative experience and knowledge about a particular business is essential to run it successfully and in case of any problem arises then you can able to solve it otherwise you may have to depend on others which cause dependency and manipulation by other people, whose only aim to loot money from you rather give you real help in your career and direction
8. Don’t give your responsibility to people is a fool and dumb or lazy with no knowledge of Money, no matter they are how close to you: You have to often regret your decision that so and so the person you trust from your heart and inspite ruined your Business, wealth, property, family, etc. since it’s simply your mistakes you gave everything at the hand of kids, who doesn’t know how to handle it
9. Find the Silent Killer: You need to find what is killing your Business or just killed your business, and we often ignorant and never concerned about such areas nor do we want to believe if any areas still exist since your assumption is killing you, It’s your Market reputation that is killing you, find our any past events that your company was involved in a matter that’s created Worry, Fear or Panic to People or Customer
10. Look at the Driver who is driving your Company: Look at the person who is sitting at your front desk or reception or Sales, when the client dials first time your company number, the person always picks up the calls and answers them, and often interacts with the client and do Sales, so your company’s whole image could be at the hand of the person, and if this person is incapable to do the job then all part your company suffers no matter how big or how strong Organization you are, but slowly slowy you will lose many businesses and many of your competitors might get business or contract which you were sure and certain that you are going to get it, but unfortunately you missed dozen of big contracts which is kept at your table you often grief how come you missed it? or why you can’t get it, it’s because when a person calls, make sure it’s his/her last call, so put always the best person at the front desk or Sales, which clients always like to call back and talk to them, so if you are persisting this issues so consider switching your staff to another dept. and get a decent staff for this Job
11. Avoid Distraction: We tend to copy the work culture from another Organization and we often integrate it into our office culture and always put such unworthy events in our calendar and planner almost every day we have a small small party, outdoor events, daily meetings, luxury lunch breaks, gym, work on a café, watching TV, Often gathering at tea or coffee areas and gossips, daily birthday events(single day in a year for all birthdays), unwanted groups mail, messages, prayer breaks even last for 1/2 hours which May 5 minutes Fard prayer is enough, daily reading Quran at a desk, often walk on a lounge, watching football or cricket match, unwanted phone calls to families or friends, all these are the Concentration Breaker which directly impact on the performance and grow of a Company so once the Corporate culture is poisoned then it’s will spread to entire team and management, and day to day it will waste your time, people will only take the Salary but they been committed to their Job so how come you expect the success for your company
12. Conflict inside the Team: Due to work culture we often ignore this part and bring Politics into our work which results parted the unity of your team due to their hatred and gameplay they often block each other and increase the to close a problem, project delivery, loss of work hours, wrongfully terminated the staff, play games over email to prove who has better point instead they should work together to solve a single problem or Task which has single goal i.e. achieving the Organizational goals and objectives
13. A glitch in the Internal Communication System: If the system is complex and you tend to write the codes or policies like other big organizations as that company is always your ideal, but you are always mistaken that by nature every company is different it matter of a true leadership, market advantages and decision making and problem-solving skills which you may have still lacks, so you either hired some consultant to write it i.e. just copy paste or you simple write it as to write a formal policies and procedure and you implemented it in your Organization and then your order strictly to be followed by your people, then they may leave their urgent task and day to day targets and start filling the documentation one by one and send it to another dept. for a sign, then this document went to another dept. then it’s waiting for you to sign at your desk but you are bust in traveling and all the important contracts have to wait for your arrival and your deadline has already over
14. Everybody hates Feedback and Complaints: Nobody hears the Truth rather they expect people to always speak good to them, falsely praising them, their brand or company, and their decisions and products are the best, so we tend to overlook this area and feel comfortable about our surrounding that everything is good, even we take our customer in 100% confidence, but we often forgot that they have only Controls, not us, where you also unaware that your competitor has always eye on you and they know where is your fault so they may reach out to your customer with better Solution and may take all of your clients, left you to become happy with your false image and perceptions that you always rights and you never be wrong, so if you fear to God, then repent yourself and assign the third party organization to approach your team to raise a false complain and lets review how the companies or feedback being tackled by them, and if your employees seems to avoid the complaints or feedback and come out with defense and counter attacks to the customer, then you assume that it’s your habits and ignorance that your staffs also adopted and act like you since you taught them, find out the gaps and close it Asap
15. Blindly Trust your Staff, gave responsibility to execute very important Tasks or Handle challenging Jobs or a Loyal Customer: When you are capable of doing this Task by yourself, so don’t assign it to anybody else, since they may not be fully capable of doing this matter but you are since you know how to handle it with Hiqma i.e. Wisdom and if the Job is failed by them then there is no scope for regret or recover the lost
16. Don’t venture into a Fake Business with Fake Product by just show your ideas or plan using your past credentials and lure Investors: You can lure investors by cheating them to extract huge money while maintaining your lifestyle, family, and social status, but you can’t skip it from the Vision and Authority of Allah, often this Habits tend to not only destroy your fake venture since legally you can’t be touchable but then all your time, focus, energies to build even fake products or business often leave your foot prints as dull and bad reputation in the market and with your customers and network, so one of a life time opportunity you have been given this chance but you lost your future and lost the direction of your families since even you don’t want, you have to accommodate them an environment which is dull and lack of opportunities or lack of basic facilities and by doing this you may also destroy the future of your kids, which they may had it before , but now they lost it, lost the moral, hope and positivity in the life
17. Don’t disturb your competitors: This is now a general practice to send a fake inquiry to your competitors while using a fake credential or your friend works in another company so you use it to send them a fake inquiries and receive quotations for all products, and you are sure about now you know about your competitor pricing strategy and they don’t know about this things, but often they came to know about this as they had previous experience so either they can manipulate your with the price or dealing strategy or they assign a task against you where one person has given a responsibility to send you much fake enquiry on monthly basis and just to distract you or confuse or demotivate you, to waste your time, money and energy since you have assigned your salespeople or yourself to chase those calls, fake meetings and short or long distance travelling, so beware of this , correct yourself and always discourage this practices rather focus on the product quality, specialization, branding and sales ads etc. If you are threatened by your competitor that they are targeting you, then simply develop Sales policies and implement such filters to remove suspected fake inquiries from the system a genuine customer will always respond to such policies if it’s simple and delightful response back to them from your front desk
18. Workplace Etiquette: A Work place like a Kitchen so where you will cook food and deliver to your customer while many teams are required to do this task, so if the kitchen are not clean, unhealthy, team members are dirty then how come you expect that they make make such Quality Products ? seems a Work Place is the like a Place of Ibada or worshiping Allah as you are a Leader and you have been given responsibility about your people, stakeholders, board members etc. so you need to make sure eveything is intent to satisfy only Allah so intent for Halal as with this approach may Allah can bring lots of Baraqah or Blessings to your Business since Allah promote Businesses and destroy the Interest, so a very good intent or Niyah is really important to attract prosperity, good luck and success from Allah, so always make sure your work place is cleaned from Smoking, Alcohol, Pornography, Adultery, promote a culture to respect women and always implement women employees code so that the women working in your company must not be a reason of distraction for male employees, write and promote such code which to maintain a balance of professional work place with peace, focused and vision, so that you could attract many skilled staffs as they may wanted to join your company to help you for better success and growth, don’t partial to wards any employees as the rule is equal for all even which includes you so you are not above the laws otherwise your employees and client will not respect you anymore
19. You must always focus on Financial Transaction, Cash Flow, Monthly Sales forecast, and Turnover: As a Leader you must have basic knowledge about Finance, the cost and delivery of your product, and the cost of purchasing the goods /services, and make sure you interact with your buyers and suppliers directly and always let open a channel so that they may always call your back with their customize requirements so that you can able to talk them and fix their problem but never overrule your company policies, your day to day focus on how much are the Sales and how much is going to close for the day so that you can assign other task related to it to some key person, make sure the employees know you have control and constant monitoring them but do it ethically never exploit your power, if you think that the Sales or delivery problem of your product or services then you must always involve discussion with Production or Service team to make sure they make an urgent delivery to close your Targets, make a system that every day and time you can think about Sales, Cash flow, expenses, Monthly and Yearly Forecast and Turnover in your mobile, laptop, computer no matter you are travelling but you must track all these to make you company grow on day to day basis, and if any problem arise then you know whom to call and fix it immediately
20. Don’t involve your family in your Business: We often feel sentiments and bring our family members to our business and give important Tasks or Positions, cabin, favour to them, so due to their inexperience to handle to particular Dept. or particular problem they may harm your business, taking endless favours using your name, exploit your system, ignore important task and challenges, blocking others who has real potential and may create imbalance into your work place system, due to that the employees find to how to use this person for office politics and exploit your unwanted favours, they may skip their day to day Task, used to praise you to show you that how much they love your family members or relatives, here i am not against that policy to give chance your family members or relatives to your Business but make sure they earned it while working hard in different company , they must have relative experience & basic education to run a Dept. or section and they are skilled in particular area, even though they are skilled but you need to make sure they must work under the person whom you think they are Seniors and your relatives must respect them , so don’t be partial to them but think always how Rasool SAW(PBUH) managed the Task and Task management even his SAW(PBUH) family was involved in the task, so never promote favourism
21. Rightfully appoint of Consultant and Auditor and you must review them and their work: You must be careful when you give access to the independent consultant or auditor, since they may exploit your system, steal your secret, financial data, customer credentials, best-working models, and strategies, etc. the most danger threat is when they steal your best master mind i.e. your most efficient people by luring them for a better package in your competitor’s company, you can develop the policies to document disclosure and privacy for an external consultant or auditor or even for your employees and limits them how much information they can access and integrate with your Information Security and Access Control policy, the best way to manage and mitigate the risk is to send your Skilled people for external training and then let them develop all the procedure, records or compliance etc. then appoint carefully an independent body after signing a detailed contract to allow them to do audit on your performance i.e. visual data, not the system or work model or any secret policies and procedures etc.
22. If you are working somewhere and you open a Company and appoint an employee to manage your Company or Business: It’s the dumbest idea and 100% your venture will fail since the employee will work for his/her Salary and you can work as a father as this business is your child, which you are 100 % concerned but due to you were engaged in somewhere then your business might need your time and attention which you may never able to give, so at the end of the day your business is definitely going to fail and it’s just waste your Money from your regular Salary and Savings, and you may feel demoralized or demotivated not only you may not able to focus on your current job but also due to nonperformance you may be told to leave your Job. I have seen this type of problem with many of my Middle Eastern friends i.e. Arab National, they are working somewhere and they have a license so what is usually a practice is they often allow a stranger to work on their license either on a monthly rent or yearly lumpsum fees, so at the end of the day the other person may cheat him, using his company credentials for a bank loan and exit the country, selling illegal visas and charging huge money for migrant labor without any job security, etc. or put the owner in legal troubles or sometimes the other person make the owner so dependent that owner feels threaten of loss of business, close of a company or they were feeling and assured big contract and big money is coming so then the owner risk himself /herself to do such risky job for them, at the end of the day it’s his loss and only profit to others.
23. Stop Time Waster or Time Wasting Task or Work or Meetings or Deals: You must focus on only urgent and priority tasks or jobs and relate to people to make sure they are equally serious as you otherwise you can skip those are nonessential tasks or meetings or deals since you can’t afford to lose your important time, focus and key contacts and obligations which needs your immediate actions and problem-solving
24. Nobody can save your business if you allow this to your Workplace: Often Shirk, Bidah, and Superstition destroy the blessings at your workplace since they tend to fear about the unknown harm from people who might have black magicked you and your business and workplace, attacks of Jinn, voot, Jadu, shaitan, problem from Graha, Planets, Vastu etc. where you tend to bring some Raqi, Maulana, baba, Astrologer to your work place, reading Quran for day long or playing Surah Baqarah to remove any negative energy(it’s a lie to manipulate our Iman or belief system), etc. which is not real at all, its all about your self belief about your religion that often mislead you to do these things at your life and work place , where as if you think practically its only need your logical, practical and problem solving approach to make good decision in every task and how can you effective manage your business and stay alive in the competition, so if you are facing any problem it’s not due to the reason listed above but it’s your fear and superstition and exceed in your religion where Allah’s apostles Rasool SAW(PBUH) never encouraged us rather to follow a medium way of life and we must do business correctly since this is also an Ibada i.e. act of worship i.e. Sunnah
25. Never give task to handle the huge Cash or cheque payment at the hand of employees : You may have different opinion than me , but think from this angel when your employees being a paid a certain amount of Salary and they are given to handle or count huge cash or give them task or collect cheque from your customer, this may lure them out and trigger to earn this big money by any means so they may be greed and find a chance to fraud you or steal your company’s information and sold it to others for a heavy price, it’s only because of human nature and behaviors and often Money is behind everything that trigger for any crime or fraud, since your employees may think that you are earning big money but you are paying them very less which is untrue as they may never understand other things and real cost , expenses or debt behind the earning, so develop a policy of online transfer and non cash transactions and if incase you have no other choice for this then appoint somebody who is only Trust worthy and having a knowledge of cost accounting