The definition of Strategy is Hiqma i.e. Wisdom = INFORMATION + TRUTH + VISION , in every decision we must need to process certain information, where Truth is Fundamental and essential then we need a direction from the future to sync our Aim /Objectives aligned with and that is called Vision , so that’s why the Decision is not effective until and unless you know the Vision of the Future
Unfortunately we often misunderstood it by many metaphor i.e. Chess, Game Play, Sherlok(however these are essential for critical thinking and creating business barrier) or any other any other people who tend to possesses strong mindset and critical thinking , he or she is our ideal for decision making for our Business or venture or our Life
To execute a Strategic only Leadership is the Fundamental and essential and he or she must be connected to Allah, by only fearing Allah alone could bring the unexpected results in Business or Venture, so in Surah fatiha, Allah mentioned about how to seek a direction from life through the Ayats 6 & 7 that “Ayat 6: Ihdinas-Siratal Mustakeem , Ayat 7 “Siratallazina an amta alaihim Gyrail magdubi alaihim waladal-lin” Ameen, so it’s very very significant to know the direction of life i.e. vision of the future and that should be to follow the life of Rasool SAW(PBUH) and it’s Siratal Mustakeem i.e. to follow only the Leadership of Rasool SAW(PBUH), and to seek protection from Allah to protect us from those who denied Sunnah i.e. Life of Prophet SAW(PBUH) and went astray and they may never came back to DEEN i.e. Sunnah, so that’s why no matter how important your venture or Business and how much fund and support you have , if are not following the Sunnah i.e. Life of Rasool SAW(PBUH) , your venture is never going to successful, so the end results is matter not just in starting you are happy about too much business and fame, but then without the guidance of Allah it’s never to going to be fruitful
Let’s explore the Strategic Management Tools
1. Fundamental in Strategic Decision making is your Iman i.e. your Belief System, so that’s why it’s really important to think right and have right mindset and clear all the impurities from your Iman, it is narrated in Sahih hadith that whosoever has aimed his /her life to achieve something he /she will get that , even if a man trying hard to marry a beautiful women, he puts this is the aim of his life and he achieved it, so by means of the Hiqmah from this hadith is your Aim of Life is only important so once you set it and puts objects and small small goals then you will achieve it with a milestone no matter what hurdles might come to your way, but you must have the Aim which is ethical and has a meaning to create more employment and work opportunities for people and benefits to the societies
2. “Rabbi Habli Hukman Wa Alhiqni Bis Saliheen”(26:83)- “My Lord give me the Wisdom and join me with righteous” , so it’s significant that we must be surround with right mindset people, who also has Hiqmah i.e. specially Skilled and Core Competency in specific field and they had a vision for it too, so include those people or network those has common goals and objectives and they are positive about their Business or venture and always counsel people with Hiqmah to Solve a particular problem
3. Think and access the Future Requirements in advance: You must be prepared with the list of future requirements of your Career Goals and Objectives and allow your brain that this is what is going to happen through out the part of my life , will you prepare? since once you feed certain information to your Brain , your brain may need time to absorb, but through out the journey and experience your brain is used to it and make it easier for you to take next decision and adjusting your life to particular goal set and help you to reach to your goals
4. Prepare your Team members and Families to survive any struggle and uncertainty and economic difficulties : It’s obvious that our life is full of surprises in terms of sometime we get success or sometime we lose, so no matter we have strong mindset and iron determined in our Vision / Aim but will our team and family members are prepared, once the problem is solved then the life’s journey will be smooth and nothing can surprise you rather you will take every problem as an opportunity for doing your best to success your venture or Business
5. Don’t repeat the same mistakes : It is Sunnah that our beloved Prophet SAW(PBUH) advised us by not do the same mistakes as before so we must be protected yourself from financial loss, business dealing, experience with the people, money matter, destruction assets, cheating, calamities, disasters etc., when Allah SWT allowed certain things it must be good for us, so that we can learn from our mistakes and focus on the things which is free from loss and safer for decision making, so we must not involve certain people, certain financial risk , burden or debt in your Business dealing, we must not indulge in a matter of haram and stay away from any Fitnah so that we can concentrate in our business, family growth and economic sustainability
6. Multi Tasking and you must to do all things by your hand : To raise a business from start up means to raise a child, so we must know all the necessary things that are important to raise it for growth without any dependency, since when you leave your Task to other people they may not fully concerned about your Assets or Task or Job which you can give your 100 %, so that’s why you must be familiar with all the Job related requirements and can manage by yourself no matter how much the bigger your team and support system but as a Leader like Rasool SAW(PBUH) you must allrounder and capabilities in multiple task in multiple areas in life
7. Know your No.1 breaking Point or weakness or weak areas and cover it out with adequate Control: we are not alone, as we have multiple areas, many people and many life’s obligations to fulfil, as a results we can’t able to concentrate in all things, but after few months or year we start getting the complains, issues in such areas which we were ignorant about it, so it could be any member of your family, your savings, your wealth, Assets, Legal case, Debt, Chronic illness, Spouse, investment, team member etc. so if any of the areas are part of your concern and headache then it could block your progress in present and future, so you must have focus on them, protect it, facilitate it with Problem Solving and control it with risk management
8. To run a business you must know about Politics: The theory and definition of politics about , you must know how to protect your financial Assets and investment and market reputation, otherwise your venture could be destroyed in short term, always follow the approach with polite, gentle and admire the authority, shareholders, board members, investor others if it’s hurt their ego , they will always try to kick you out from your own business no matter you hold 51% share, since now a days market reputation directly affects the share market and your investor will pull back their supports, never get into conflict with anybody and respect the authority
9. Never manipulate the market or customers: This is the malpractice and if you can manipulate certain data and present it to your customer and board members very soon you are going get caught and by chance your company could ended up with bankruptcy
10. Consider Technological change is the biggest threat: A business without a technology it’s impossible to success so adopting the right technology will drive your business in right direction, where as if your Fundamental part of Business is Technology driven, i mean technology driven revenue system then frequent change of Technology could real threat for your business since the moto of any Technology is to make things easier, since Rasool SAW(PBUH) used to do things which was easier for him SAW(PBUH) it means Allah recommended it so then technological direction and advancement it’s from Allah and it has tremendous blessings when it’s used for right purposes, so always sync your product or business model with latest technological innovation, and always prepared for what might come in next 30 years, you must do it now
11. Your math must be very strong: Behind any success it’s only math is required for right calculation which always help with correct projection about future trends, income , expenses, debt, customer acquisition, merger with other company, multinational offices and venture, share market and raise fund and investment, so statistical calculation is very important along with studying human behavior is Fundamental for Problem Solving
12. Creating a Monopoly: Creating a Monopoly is not bad at all, since you need to protect your Business, venture and Investment so having an extra advantages of resources, people, support system, good team, investment in real estate in prime places, Strategic partners and network will always facilitated your growth and gave you such mileages so that you can create a barrier around you by went to far away from your competitor and acquire the maximum market share where your competitors will struggle to get it, so for an example blaming the Reliance or Mukesh Ambani for Market monopoly is wrong, since they are doing ethically and their rights to protect the businesses where they never intend to harm any industries, so it’s called a monopoly, but yes if any company went to an extent to destroy or block competitors in order to stay in the market it’s not a healthy or ethical practices and very soon they will be fallen from the sky
13. Market Diversification : It’s necessity to invest and acquire such companies are important and back bone for your growth since maximum payment or expenses or contract or outsourcing you are making to this company and they are getting lots of revenue and profits from you, but the thing is, part of risk that they can control and delivery of such very very essential products, technology or services or in some other cases they may also create a threat to your business either sell the same technology or product to your competitor or else they can add your product or services to their company, in both cases you may lose some of your market share so it’s wise and ideal to take over such companies while make sure the people must be retained in the process and they should get their rights without betrays.
14. Eaten by sharks: It’s a standard practices that to involve others Shark investor to your company by offering some heavy share in return you expect they can help you to grow your business, think opposite what they will do they will be eaten up their next or future competition, so never allow third party to take control in your life, since when a person gets richer and succeed its many things are connected to it but everybody is different, their mindset different, they have ego, pride, or many quality -ve or +ve somehow its help them to one big decision is their life and with this its completely tuned their life into massive success, but your life is different and no matter you read many books, attend the world best seller’s seminars, appoint consultant or advisor nobody can help you since their life is different and your life is different so copy paste will not work so always protect your businesses from those Sharks, and if any case you need to take investment from angle investor then only take the money keep control in your hand its wise, and as believer we have told to follow the path of Siratal Mustakeem, i.e. to follow the advice of Rasool SAW(PBUH) so read as much of Sahih Hadith for your success
15. There is always a hope to comeback from Zero inshaAllah : If your business or venture lost , don’t give up your hope, remember there is always a chance to come back, so never forget to maintain a good relation with your families , relatives or friend, always help them in their crisis, stand by them, no matter how much you are busy, but once you are in difficulty and crisis they are one to come to you at first and helping you out until you come to the main stream of life, so don’t forget to give Sadaqah i.e. donations to poor and among relatives they are poor, give them Zakat and help them for study, healthcare and marriage etc.